Thursday, October 18, 2012

Mummification experimentation part one complete.

So, lovely readers, as you know your fearless heroine has been hard at work figuring out the logistics of ancient mummification to honor a dear friends pet in it's journey into the afterlife.  (Run on sentence much?)

Yesterday, after much stupidity in Howard County, I finally came away with unbleached cotton muslin, and a sad excuse for gold leaf.  Apparently, Joann can't be bothered to keep actual gold leaf in stock because the binding agent in carcinogenic.  No need to worry about the fact that I've been elbow deep in some mildly toxic resins and the stuff that they're selling in place of gold leaf contains Hexane which is a neurotoxin *eye roll*.  Anyway, I digress.  I got home and set to work...

"gold leafed"


All Done.

So it's done.  I'm quite pleased with it.  I'm going to work on a larger rat next before starting on Pip.  But D, saw the finished project last night and was pretty pleased.  I think everyone on my Christmas gift list this year will be getting one.

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