This past week has been full of amazing connections. Not new connections, but just old friends who have delved deeper into friendship. It's amazing.
It's also been a crazy weird week where in, I had to go get a snake from my in laws. It was a three foot corn snake. Beautiful. In an effort to try to find him a new home and not release him into the wild, I kept him in the house and he did escape. It was an interesting 48 hours while he was missing. I was more afraid of him getting hurt by one of the dogs, but he showed up last night, safe and sound, perhaps a little pissed off. I scooted him into his container and bungee'd the lid down and decided that it was time for me to take him somewhere to be released.
This brings me to last night. It was after nine, I had gotten dressed and put the snake in the car, and headed east. I drove for a while, the cool breeze blowing through the window, the night, so very dark. I had forgotten a flashlight, so there I was, in the dark woods with a Tupperware container full of snake, tromping through the woods in flip flops, tripping through the brush. I got him far enough away from the road and let him go. I assume he slithered away, before I heard crashing in the woods and my brain freaked out. On the drive home I took the long way through the back roads of Dundalk and through Essex. It brought back a flood of memories, of crazy late night times. Driving though eastern Baltimore County in any of my Gilman boyfriends fancy cars. Silly, whimsical, goth girl in love with jocks. I would sit in the front seat of the car, my Dr. Martens propped up and hanging out the passenger window. Billows of smoke from my Camel Lights drifting on the breeze. I would roll my eyes as the current trust fund boyfriend and his friends tried to figure out ways to steal the Essex Cube or jump out of the car to pick up traffic cones for no good reason. I would sit there, watch, smoke, and pick holes in my fishnets. I still remember what it felt like to have each individual thread slide under my purple fingernail and pop.
Does this mean anything? Nope. I had just forgotten how much I love sense memory and how amazing, smells, sounds, and temperature can really make us recall certain moments in time.